NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Studio ex­hi­bi­tion: Between us

Amos Rex gave Karoliina Hellberg, Tero Kuitunen and Raimo Saarinen free rein to create new art for spaces within the museum and Bio Rex, beyond the exhibition hall. The Exhibitions six installations were born out of a dialogue with the building’s architecture and its chronological strata. They grow out of…

Raija Malka & Kaija Saariaho: Blick

This summer, Amos Rex visitors can step directly into Blick. Blick is a multisensory total work of art by visual artist Raija Malka and composer Kaija Saariaho. The exhibition takes us into the midst of a sound work by Saariaho and installations by Malka.

Egypt of Glory – The Last Great Dynasties

The extensive exhibition on ancient Egypt will take you on a journey back in time thousands of years to the Egypt of pharaohs. The exhibition is displayed in two places at once: at Amos Rex in Helsinki and Kumu Art Museum in Tallinn. The unique, two-part exhibition is based on…

The Frosterus col­lec­tion

Sigurd FrosterusSigurd Frosterus’s post-impressionist art collection has been on deposit at the Amos Anderson Art Museum for nearly 25 years. The collection is owned by the Sigurd Frosterus Foundation, which was established in 1988 by Frosterus’s daughters, Johanna Weckman and Clara Ekholm, to preserve their father’s memory, art collection and …

Generation 2020

Generation 2020 presents the works of over 80 artists aged 15–23, selected from an open call that received over 1,600 work proposals. The exhibition displays a versatile array of contemporary art, including photography and video art, sculpture, textile arts and performance. Generation 2020 is a fascinating peek into the thoughts …

Studio ex­hi­bi­tion: Between us

Between us brings work by three artists to spaces beyond Amos Rex’s exhibition halls into areas that have not so far been used for exhibitions. The invited artists, Karoliina Hellberg, Tero Kuitunen and Raimo Saarinen, created these works specifically in dialogue with each other and with the museum’s spaces.

Generation 2020

The Generation exhibitions’ ambitious goal is to present young art that is on the rise. The first Generation exhibition took place at the Amos Anderson Art Museum in Spring 2017.

Birger Carlstedt. Le Chat Doré

Amos Rex presents the life’s work of Birger Carlstedt (1907–1975) in an extensive retrospective exhibition that encompasses the artist’s entire oeuvre, all the way from his abstract experiments of the 1920s to the Concretist period beginning in the 1950s. The exhibition includes a reconstruction of the legendary café Le Chat…