When a long-term relationship suddenly ends, the artist discovers himself in complete emptiness. His partner takes all her things and when she leaves the meaning of life leaves with her. Only the good-bye message “thank you for everything” left on the mirror reminds the artist of the fact that a certain world existed somewhere at some time before. In the mirror, he faces a life that seems to have failed for good. His long-time lover has found herself a better partner. His room is empty.
What would be the last thing to cling to if you lost everything?
The journey of a drowning man begins where art serves as the last bit of strength instead of self-expression. A lifebuoy to cling to. The documenting of self-pity, implacability, fussiness and growth is a path that one can follow only alone.
What does the drowning man see?
Winter reflecting from the books of the former loved one.
The unmade bed that still holds the warmth of the partner who has left.
Frames turned upside down, taken off the wall but left in the room.
Incoherent pain that wants to become words.
But also the materials for growth and survival.
This is a letting go and the recording of that letting go.
Being reborn while wishing to bring the old life with him. Moving in a circle and hoping that it is a spiral. Perhaps it is?
thank you for leaving me in darkness
thank you for teaching me how to breathe
thank you for getting and giving and getting everything
with you
I am angry happy
I will never make peace and
I have already forgiven
thank you for everything
Taavi Rekkaro (1988) studied graphic art at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Besides his artistic practice, he works with artists’ projects in Artproof and has no idea what will happen after the exhibition.
Exhibition text: Joonas Veelmaa
Graphic design: Kert Viiart
The exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia and Artproof.
The artist expresses his gratitude to everyone who has supported him during the past two years, both with the exhibition and in general.