We are not biologically related to each other, but we are in a meaningful sense connected in a way that carries consequences. We act as part of a togetherness and within a relatedness of spaces, emotions, materials and ecologies that blend together. We shape networks of care to maintain our worlds along the techno-ecologies that constitute our surroundings. Surroundings that can be hard, such as material and built infrastructures or soft, such as social reproduction.
The works shown at VENT Space take diverse ventures and approaches towards possible techno-ecologies of care emanating closely from the subjective, yet embedded in a fabric of relationships. Encounters with humans or non-humans, ties through birth or bonding, physical or psychical experiences come to be into focus in this exhibition. Situated at the intersection of urbanism and art, this exhibition aims to make a contribution to the everlasting question of how to care for and with each other.