NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The spring season at Kiasma will be launched on 31 January by Weather Report: Forecasting Future. The exhibition was seen in the Nordic Pavilion at the Venice Biennale last year.

Weather Report: Forecasting Future is themed around the varied relations between the human and nonhuman in an age when climate change and mass extinction are threatening the life on Earth.

Artist duo nabbteeri (Janne Nabb & Maria Teeri, Finland) works with context-specific art. They typically begin by mapping the place where they are working. Their work develops in interaction with the environment, its materiality and its multi-species inhabitants. nabbteeri often base their work on the tiniest life forms observable such as fur beetles or various rotting agents. Coexistence and recycling are close to the heart of the artists, who live in the countryside near the Ostrobothnian coast.

Ane Graff (Norway) combines a broad range of research disciplines, from feminist new materialism to microbiology and chemistry. Her sculptures and installations interrogate conventional and allegedly stable structures and classifications based on science and cultural practices. Graff’s works make observable how the human body is exposed to other agencies, such as bacteria, as well as the toxicity of the environment.

Ingela Ihrman’s (Sweden) plant-shaped sculptures grow, bloom and wilt. Her works are also comments on the 1970s wave of environmental consciousness but from the queer studies perspective. Ihrman applies ethnobiology to the examination of the relationship of humanity to non-human nature. The installations often include performative element. The subjects and writings include the relations between different forms of life and the concepts of belonging and loneliness.

Gallery name: Kiasma

Address: Mannerheiminaukio 2, Helsinki

Opening hours: Tue, Sat 10:00 - 18:00, Wed-Fri 10:00 - 20:30, Sun 10:00 - 17:00

Open: 31.01.2020 - 16.08.2020