NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

This exhibition presents Lampi’s key works from the 1920s and 1930s. Most of the works are on loan from Oulu Art Museum, which has co-produced the show. Also included is View from Liminka, a work from the Leonard and Katarina Bäcksbacka Collection at HAM.

Lampi’s entire life was a balancing act between his calling as an artist and his duties on the family farm. He usually only had time to paint at night. He took his subjects from Liminka itself: self-portraits, portraits of family and neighbours, views from homesteads, and landscapes of the plains.

Vilho Lampi had only one solo exhibition in his lifetime, in Oulu in 1931, but his work was often included in the annual Helsinki exhibitions of the Artists’ Association of Finland. Lampi’s works were praised, but his output was not exhibited to a major extent until his memorial exhibitions in the 1950s in Oulu and Helsinki.

Vilho Lampi (1898–1936) of the town of Liminka was a painter of the plains. His career lasted only 14 years, but in that time he had room to experiment with several styles, from expressionism to Neue Sachlichkeit.

Gallery name: Helsinki Art Museum HAM

Address: Eteläinen Rautatiekatu 8, Helsinki

Opening hours: Tue-Sun 11:00 - 19:00

Open: 14.02.2020 - 18.10.2020