NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The exhibition “Rythm and Rhyme” is born through a performance with live painting, music and poetry reading by students from the Faculty of Design. They are painting on sketches from the old EKA building made by previous design faculty students.

The curator Kadri Kangilaski is teaching painting at the Faculty of Design. Before the demolition of EKA old building, she gathered and kept the old sketches that otherwise would have been thrown away. Now she has invited students she teaches from different departments, choosing them by their spontaneous and expressive painting style. By changing the old relic sketches part of the new installation we are celebrating the new EKA.

The performance is accompanied with music by “Vesi päästab”, Patrick Zavadskise and Villem Sarapuu (graphic design) and with poetry by Karl-Christoph Rebane (fashion design).

Painters: Robin Siimann and Kristjan Hinno (graphic design), Ingrid Helena Pajo (textile design), Kairit Mäeots (ceramics), Tauris Reose (jewellery and blacksmithing) and Kadri Kangilaski.

Kadri Kangilaski (b. 1973) holds an MFA in painting at the Estonian Academy of Arts, she is a freelance artist and is currently teaching painting at the Estonian Academy of Arts. She is a freelance artist and has had solo shows with Toomas Tõnissoo at Hobusepea, Draakon and Vaal Gallery and has been in group shows in New York, Berlin, Paris, Helsinki and in Tallinn at KUMU, Kunstihoone and others.

Visual by Robin Siimann and Kristjan Hinno.

Gallery name: EKA Gallery

Address: Põhja pst. 7, Tallinn

Opening hours: Tue-Sat 12:00 - 18:00

Open: 22.04.2019 - 26.05.2019