NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

At the well established Vigelandsmuseum in Oslo visitors can get the chance to experience Lin Wangs´ site specific porcelain installations in interaction with the monumental sculptures of Gustav Vigeland. Vigeland (1869-1943) is Norway’s most famous sculptor, known for his outstanding sculptures of the human form. Wang´s delicate contemporary work, in combination with the immense sculptures of Gustav Vigeland offers a very interesting dialogue. Wang is a visual artist who primarily works with porcelain installations and performance.

The exhibition is comprised by two major installations, Rhapsody and Still Life. Rhapsody is a large-scale work comprised of over 20 000 small, round pieces of hand painted porcelain. Together these pieces make up a massive, sculptural installation. The exhibition´s second work, Still Life, is also a porcelain installation, but with a slightly different and less abstract expression. With this installation Wang seems to be tapping into our desire for nostalgia. She approaches well known shapes and figures and combines them in a new and fascinating way. The exhibition is, in its subtle complexity, a sensory delight – both beautiful and soft in its expression. Allow yourself to get lost in Wang´s delicate room for contemplation. 

Gallery name: Vigeland Museum

Address: Nobels gate 32, Oslo

Opening hours: Tue-Sun 10:00 - 17:00

Open: 19.10.2019 - 19.01.2020