NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Peeter Sirge (born 1960) has worked more than 40 years as a photographer. His portfolio includes portraits, photos of inside and outside architecture, nature environment, event photography and reportages. 

Photographer Martin Buschmann has said about ”Relics” in magazine Positiiv the following: Consumption society with advertisement is like a religion with altars, holy men and with holy truth. Like every religion, advertisement only lives where are followers. When the followers are gone, divinity also moves forward. In consumption society old is useless and useless is meant to throw away. 


Gallery name: Gallery Positiiv

Address: Roo 21a, Tallinn

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 12:00 - 18:00 and by appointment, 5809 3140

Open: 06.05.2019 - 13.05.2019