NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The Old Age exhibition at HAM shines a light on that aspect of ageing which is so often ignored: the part that hurts, often quite literally, the part that you can feel in your joints and bones, even in your soul. That time of life when the mirror shows you the deepening furrows and you become aware of the finiteness of life.

The exhibition features drawings, prints, an installation and videos, altogether 37 works by 10 artists. The featured artists are: Pasi AutioAlice KairaSanttu KoivuMaarit KotirantaMarkus LampinenUlla LiuhalaSirkka PenttiläEeva TiisalaRafael Wardi and Charlotta Östlund.

The exhibition is curated by Jari Björklöv from HAM. All works are from the HAM collection.

Gallery name: Helsinki Art Museum HAM

Address: Eteläinen Rautatiekatu 8, Helsinki

Opening hours: Tue-Sun 11:00 - 19:00

Open: 13.02.2019 - 20.10.2019