NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

This summer a major exhibition of works from Waldemarsudde’s rich collection will be on show.

The presentation highlights Prince Eugen’s seminal contribution as a collector and patron, focusing on late-19th century plein-air painting, fin-de-siècle mood painting, and modernist explorations of colour and form in the early decades of the 20th century. Among the well-known favourites, visitors can look forward to seeing works by Eugène Jansson, Leander Engström, Sigrid Hjertén and Isaac Grünewald, but also discover hidden treasures from the Museum’s collectionthat are rarely shown to the public. Expect an enjoyable experiencewhere paintings, sculptures  and crafts interact beautifully with exquisite flower arrangements.

Gallery name: Waldemarssude

Address: Prins Eugens väg 6, Djurgården, Stockholm

Opening hours: Tue-Sun 11:00 - 17:00

Open: 12.06.2021 - 22.08.2021