NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Current exhibition includes a set of acrylic and mixed media paintings that represent the various perceptual and cognitive experience of the artist. Tõnnov's artwork, described by abstract style and rich texture, can be compared to materializations of the pieces of diversity of life open for senses. Tõnnov's paintings can be characterized by their contradiction between the strong materiality expressed through thick, sporadically brutal layer of paint and intentionally delicate yet precise sensuousness. The latter is conveyed mostly through the meticulously chosen colour study by the artist – as a result, the colours in Tõnnov's paintings have the appetizing effect, but can also create curiousity, surprise or distance.

Margus Tõnnov comments on his present exhibition: „Life offers us all kinds of flavours and some of them cannot be either described nor tasted. That is why I have attempted to express various experiences of flavour in my paintings. The taste of every painting will be for every viewer to decide by themselves as everyone senses various nuances of taste in a unique way. For me also clouds, cushions, rain, sadness or love have their specific flavour. I suggest to dedicate our full attention to a particular experience or event – then we can notice the unique flavour of coffee, music, or even love. And the sensation will be different every time.“

Margus Tõnnov (1966) has studied painting and monumental art in Tallinn Art University (now Estonian Academy of Arts) in 1987-1995. He has additionally studied monumental art in the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts (Kungliga Konsthögskolan) in Stockholm as well as graphic design. Tõnnov has worked for years as a designer and art director (1993-1996 in Tallinn Kaubamaja; 2012-2014 in advertisement agency IDEA). While being away from art scene for years, Tõnnov has been a freelance painter since 2014. Among other exhibitions, he has participated in the 2nd Annual Exhibition by Soros Center of Contemporary Art „Nonexistent Art“ (1994); during the past few years he has mainly held personal exhibitions for instance in Haapsalu City Gallery (2017), Karjamaa gallery (2017, 2018) and taken part in the 18th Annual Exhibition of the Estonian Artists’ Association „The Jubilee Spring“ (2018).

Gallery name: Dragon gallery

Address: Pikk 18, Tallinn

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 11:00 - 18:00, Sat 11:00 - 17:00

Open: 05.08.2019 - 31.08.2019