NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

In the paintings featured in this exhibition, I combine abstract forms with figurative images in a collage-like manner on both canvas and gallery structures. The naturalistically constructed images have been modified, broken and worn by the artist, in the same way as humans change the environment in their hands. They are based on a concrete experience or memory that seems to have faded away over time. The figurative elements originate from photographs that I have taken to remember various environments where one can see signs of human activities alongside the presence of nature.

I depict environmental diversity through various organic processes, such as decomposition, growth, blooming and death. This results in a combination of entities that remind us of the fragility, uniqueness and transience of life. The images can also be examined as the human mind’s way of recording, perceiving and analyzing things visually through various fragments and narratives.

Kaisa Huotari (b. 1994) is a visual artist originally from Jyväskylä. Huotari is a graduate of the art-centered upper secondary school in Savonlinna and Kankaanpää Art School and she is currently attending the master’s program in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts at the University of the Arts Helsinki. She has had exhibitions in different parts of Finland, and in the autumn of 2019 she won the Art of Basware competition.


The exhibition has been supported by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

Gallery name: Galleria Huuto

Address: Eerikinkatu 36 / Kalevankatu 43, Helsinki

Opening hours: Tue-Sun 12:00 - 17:00

Open: 05.03.2021 - 28.03.2021