NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Kaarin Haka's ''Installation'' is opened at Galleria Huuto

My work is part of a process that started with a search for material and a technique. The range of materials and the diversity of techniques led to experiments that lasted months, producing interesting ideas for the future. I ended up using organza and tulle, both materials I was already familiar with. My technique was sewing. The materials found their form through trying and often by chance. I focused more on the work as a whole rather than on specific details and I wanted to maintain a feeling of incompleteness and unfinishedness.

In the studio, the most challenging task was to see the whole work and put some distance between me and the work. I never have a hanging plan in advance and the installation will only take its final form in the gallery space. Hanging is part of the artistic process – during the couple of days, the gallery space will give its contribution to my work. The way in which the material turns into an installation depends on my mood, the lighting, the flow of air and the people moving in the space. The final outcome is one of the many possible ways of how the work as a whole could take shape. It is based on what the parts of my work are at that very moment – not the final work, but a necessary break and an opportunity to see something in another way. A sketch, an atmospheric image that helps me continue with my work, something that will never be fully complete.

Gallery name: Galleria Huuto

Address: Eerikinkatu 36 / Kalevankatu 43, Helsinki

Opening hours: Tue-Sun 12:00 - 17:00

Open: 05.02.2021 - 28.02.2021