Marble sculptures became the main theme of the created drawings. The series reflects the fascination with the precision of creation, the complex dynamics of sculptural compositions, as well as the material from which they were created. Drawing sculptures, included in the academic education system, is for the author an important element of everyday practice, which allows for continuous improvement and contact with the drawing workshop.
The selected scenes include works by some of the most outstanding artists: G. Bernini, A. Canova or B. Thordvaldsen, as well as performances by less known authors, such as, for example, E. Müller. The subject of the sculptures was mainly taken from mythology. Among the selected representations are: images of Aphrodite, Three Graces, Apollo and Daphne, and Pluto and Proserpine.
The works contain references to graphic design. In addition to drawing, signs were used in the series. Graphic elements were glued onto some drawings or interact with each other as separate works.
Among the used at works elements, small cursors occupy a special place. Printed on paper and cut out, they are glued to the drawings in places that encourage all kinds of associations and interpretations. Arrows, hourglasses, paws – indicators followed by the viewer’s eyesight have become an inseparable element of navigation of modern computer users. Thanks to the cursors suggesting the interactive space, the works take on the features of screens. The illusion of the screen significantly changes the field of perception, building tension at the junction of two stylistically different layers. The cursors become the element of the visual game – a detail, crucial in building the dynamics of the image, as well as its interpretation.
Without title, 70 x 100 cm, pencil on paper, 2020
(after Jules-Felix Coutan, The Eagle Hunters, the plaster model at the Musée d’Orsay 1893–1900, also high relief for the facade of the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle in Paris, bronze cast, 1900)
The series of works K&R (fusions) was inspired by a commission to create a drawing of this sculpture (this is a second version) by French artist Jules Coutan, depicting a multiple figure hunting scene.
Gallery name: Meno Parkas Gallery
Address: Rotušės a. 27, Kaunas
Opening hours: Tue-Fri 11:00 - 18:30, Sat 11:00 - 16:00
Open: 02.07.2021 - 30.07.2021