NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Das unheimliche is a dialogue exhibition between Janaina Tschäpe and Ursula Reuter Christiansen. In the exhibition the artistic kinship existing between the two artists is unfolded. A kinship that might not noticeable at first glance, but which with a closer look opens new perspectives on each of the artists respective practices. Tschäpe and Reuter Christiansen has chosen each other, because they experience common approaches to artistic concepts, the starting point of work production and their relationship to the immediate available. This reveals their approach to artistic process of creation and in this way the exhibition allows a rare glimpse into the machinery of both practices.

Tschäpe and Reuter Christiansen has chosen to structure the exhibition around Sigmud Freuds notion of Das Unheimliche (the uncanny). Freud plays on the words and the relationship between  Das Heimliche (the homely) and Das Unheimliche (the unhomely) and derives from this a connection between the two. Das Heimliche is something well known that one way or the other has become alienated. The uncanny is the return of the familiar in an uncanny form.

Gallery name: Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art

Address: Oslo Plads 1, Copenhagen

Opening hours: Tue, Fri 12:00 - 18:00, Thu 12:00 - 21:00, Sun 10:00 - 21:00

Open: 26.06.2021 - 05.09.2021