NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The colorist Jakob Anckarsvärd is a central figure in the art world with a firm foothold in Swedish art life as a critic and with his own exhibitions. His great curiosity brought him to glasgow school of art where he chose to train in both classical and modern landscape painting and he also has a master's degree in visual communication at Konstfack. He is an artist who is constantly evolving and training himself further. He has written for Om Konst, exhibited at premises such as Färgfabriken, Konstnärshuset, Kulturhuset and Tomarps Kungsgård and also internationally. Jakob's first exhibition at Galleri Agardh & Tornvall revolves around three themes: Jämtland, English pastoral and flower still life inspired by dutch golden age. He works in comics and likes to go in and out of the different periods of art history.

Gallery name: Galleri Agardh&Tornwall

Address: Sibyllegatan 65, Stockholm

Opening hours: Wed-Fri 13:00 - 17:30, Sat 12:00 - 16:00

Open: 25.01.2020 - 15.02.2020