NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

After the pandemic break, the gallery (AV17) opens celebrating its tenth anniversary. Located in the Old Town of Vilnius, at Totorių st., this gallery consistently works with contemporary sculpture, object, and installation art. In addition to the presentation of professional sculpture in Lithuania and abroad, the gallery pays great attention to the promotion of young sculptors, contemporary art education, and its presentation in public spaces. The gallery (AV17) begins its new decade on March 3rd by presenting the exhibition “Insight” by the long-term gallery artist - sculptor Rafal Piesliak.

Rafal Piesliak’s work can be divided into periods during which the artist devotes all his creative energy to the development of a certain topic. In his works, social and interpersonal problems are often recognized, as well as the topics of collective memory and fragility. In his tenth solo exhibition, the artist will summarize an important stage in his life by presenting two creative lines developed over the last four years – the symbolism of light and the preservation of memory in objects. According to the artist himself, the title of the exhibition “Insight” corresponds to the state of the artist when creating, and the viewer while observing the works of art. It’s like a sudden realization, a revelation of the essence, accompanied by strong positive emotions and the joy of discovery. Insight not only allows recognition but also opens the way for further thinking and understanding.

The sculptor divides the gallery spaces into two parts in the exhibition. The first one presents objects made of steel, porcelain, crystal, and brass. To create them, the artist uses old, broken dishes, which refer to different eras and cultural contexts. By combining the dishes into a new sculptural body, the artist reveals the problems of novelty, aesthetics, tradition, and change. In another space, the sculptor presents light installations that analyze the symbolism of light and its impact on man. By experimenting and combining light sources with different sculptural materials, the Piesliak creates symbols and references to various contexts, the recognition of which is left to the viewer. Individual objects of light offer the visitor to intuitively immerse in the experience of the works of art and discover not only the meanings suggested by the artist, but to find one’s own insights.

Rafal Pesliak (b. 1983) lives and works in Vilnius. He has graduated from Vilnius Academy of Arts in sculpture in 2008. The artist has presented his works in public spaces: object “Wheel” in the Lithuanian fairy tale park, a sculptural plate “Art in space, space in art“ near VAA, and a few objects in Krzyżowa, Poland. The artist actively participates in exhibitions since 2009. He has had nine solo shows in Lithuania, Italy, and Latvia. The sculptor also creates stage designs for the theatre. In 2010, he was awarded Polish State Award for Cultural Merits and in 2020 he received the best ArtVilnius’20 installation award for artwork “Garden”. At the initiative of patron doc. Irmantas Norkus this installation will be gifted to Vilnius city.

Exhibition “Insight” will be open at the Gallery (AV17), Totorių st. 5 until April 8.

Gallery name: AV17 Gallery

Address: Totorių g. 5, Vilnius

Opening hours: Tue-Sat 12:00 - 19:00

Open: 03.03.2021 - 08.04.2021