NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The humoristic self-therapeutic photo project by feminist artist Ingrīda Pičukāne is a tribute to body positivity and sexiness. The artist had not worn shorts for over twenty years, since her early teens, when a friend pointed out that a girl with legs as fat as hers should never wear a mini skirt. Further comments from others convinced Ingrīda that her fat legs should be kept concealed. In summer 2018, while staying at the MoKS residency in the Estonian town of Mooste municipality, she finally felt her body positivity chakra open and experienced an irresistible urge to feel the wind and sun on her legs and belly ‒ accepting her own body.

The juxtaposition of Mooste manor and an English-style park with ruins of a former Soviet collective farm creates a vividly contrasted pastoral. Reminiscent of an interspace, the environment, with its wealth of cultural layers, helps establish an ironic background while allowing the artist to loosen up and abandon herself to internal transformation. Ingrīda describes Mooste as a place that doesn’t really exist. It’s the artist’s personal ‘India’ where she can find her real self.

Her project sees this nowhere land symbolically transferred to Riga, where the pictures, mounted in frames of various styles and periods, merge with the eclectic style and democratic ambience of Bolderāja Bar. Although Postcards from Mooste is a record of personal experience, it also questions the accepted norms of body representation born as a result of social pressure. Creating images and text Ingrīda Pičukāne was assisted by Sanita Muižniece, editor of the Latvian comics magazine “kuš!”.

Participant: Ingrīda Pičukāne (LV)
Curator: Šelda Puķīte (LV)
Organizer: Riga Photography Biennial in cooperation with bar, book shop ‘Bolderāja’
Image: Ingrīda Pičukāne. From series ‘Postcards from Mooste’, 2018


Bar, book shop ‘Bolderāja’, Avotu Str. 29, Riga. Free entrance


Open: 11.09.2020 - 04.10.2020