NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

SKMU in Kristiansand have a permanent exhibition comprising Norwegian art from 1800 until today, as well as temporary exhibitions of contemporary crafts and visual art. The exhibition by Iiu Susiraja "Dry Joy" is produced by Museum of contemporary Art Kiasma/Finnish National Gallery.

“I perform in the pictures myself. It’s practical, I’m always available and I can subject myself to anything. I want my own voice to come across in my pictures; there’s self-irony and humour in them but also seriousness. My body brings a twist to the photos. Many people think that you must be beautiful in a picture. I like to think that the function of art is to tell the truth, that my pictures wouldn’t be truthful if someone else played me in them”. – Iiu Susiraja.

SKMU Sørlandets Kunstmuseum was established in 1995, and moved into its new museum facilities in the city centre of Kristiansand in February 2000. The Museum covers the entire region of Agder. This means that the museum is a regional resource centre in the art field.

SKMU Sørlandets Kunstmuseum is engaged in a wide range of activities, which include displaying its art collection and temporary exhibitions with Norwegian and international art. In addition the museum has an extended educational program.

Children have free admission to all of the museum’s exhibitions.

The Museum Café
Enjoy your coffee together with our small dishes, salads and cakes. Or smile at the sun on our outdoor terrace with a refreshing glass of juice, a cold beer or some tasty wine

Gallery name: Sørlandets Kunstmuseum

Address: Skippergata 24 B, Kristiansand

Opening hours: Tue, Fri-Sun 11:00 - 17:00, Thu 11:00 - 22:00

Open: 13.02.2020 - 09.08.2020