NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

In Hanna Fauske's work, we move in a staged environment inspired by the everyday life of reality.

“Postfotos” is a series of photos consisting of photos taken after a film shoot or a performative action in a composed photo. These photographs document the exhausted body, the condition or details that have been active during a process, but which are now perceived as leftover and discarded props. The sections often show details of the event and the visual content acquires a new, independent value.

The photo series has now been going on for ten years and is still being created in parallel along the way via other projects. At Fotografiens Hus, a selection from this series will be presented.


Gallery name: Fotografiens Hus

Address: Rådhusgata 20, Oslo

Opening hours: Thu-Sun 12:00 - 16:00

Open: 01.10.2020 - 25.10.2020