NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Rene Kari's paintings are delicate and clean. Geometric filigree shapes hide erotic undertones.

Compositions that appear as abstract landscapes allow you to get a glimpse of body lines that intertwine, form, merge and disappear on painting surfaces. The whole of Rene Kari’s work is characterized by refined aesthetics. Kari started performing at exhibitions already in the mid-1970s, first dedicated to painting. A few years later, however, Rene Kari began a body project carrying Hellenistic beauty ideals, which has now become his art of living. Now 70-year-old Rene Kari has created an ideal figure of her own body in her lifetime, which she herself says: “I was 24 when I decided to shape myself like an ancient sculpture. I reached the top form at the age of 57, so 33 years later. My goal It was not an athletic achievement, but an aesthetic appearance.

According to Kari, this is the longest art project in the world that has lasted the life of one person. In his opinion, the whole process can also be viewed as an anthropological research on how long a person can look really good and unchanging.

Kari’s attitude towards his body is equivalent to his attitude towards painting. In both art directions, the author strives for the perfection of forms. If in the body project his tool is his own male body, then in the painting the author focuses on the woman. In the eyes of the artist, the ultimate perfection of beauty is embodied in feminine forms. Today, Karis has become a classic of our modern art, whose creative handwriting is clearly distinguishable.

Rene Kari’s works at the Haus exhibition come from various private collections as well as the artist’s own collection, the oldest from the 1990s and the newest recently completed. The exhibition will remain open in the basement hall of the gallery until August 14, 2021.

Gallery name: Haus gallery

Address: Uus 17, Tallinn

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10:00 - 18:00, Sat 11:00 - 16:00

Open: 18.06.2021 - 14.08.2021