NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The abstract name EXP for the exhibition resonates well with the abstract character of Andres Koort's large format paintings.

The titles for the artwork “EXP G”, “Halo”, “Dark Matter” describe only the art itself and invite the viewer to explore and assign meaning to dreamy, meditative seemingly monochrome paintings, composed in author’s own original technique. The layers of textile glued on canvas form ripples and patterns creating a three-dimensional luminous spaces.

Andres Koort himself has said: “Only when the rhythm and nature of the material becomes one with my world and resonance arises, a great painting will be born.”

Gallery name: Karjamaa Gallery Pop-up

Address: Staapli 3, Tallinn

Opening hours: Opened by appointment,

Open: 07.06.2019 - 15.06.2019