NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The annual Spring Exhibition of the artists’ association Den Frie Udstilling (‘The Free Exhibition’) is one of the longest standing and strongest traditions in the Danish art world. The exhibition shows a wide range of artistic practices among the members of the association and their guests.

Participating artists
Ann Lislegaard, Camilla Berner, Bjørn Nørgaard, Ebbe Stub Wittrup, Elle Klarskov Jørgensen & Agneta Werner, Finn Reinbothe, FOS, Freddie A. Lerche, Hannah Heilmann, Hein Heinsen, Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, John Olsen (Mindeophængning), Jytte Høy, Jørgen Michaelsen, Kasper Akhøj & Tamar Guimarães, Kirsten Lockenwitz, Kirsten Ortwed, Lea Porsager, Leif Kath, Lis Nogel, Margrete Sørensen, Maria Finn, Martin Erik Andersen, Mette Winckelmann, Mikkel Carl, Milena Bonifacini, Mogens Møller, Mogens Møller & Dorte Dahlin, Morten Stræde, Niels Guttormsen (Mindeophængning), Pernille With Madsen, Peter Holst Henckel, Simon Starling, Sophia Kalkau, Søren Elgaard, Søren Jensen, Søren Lose, Thorbjørn Lausten, Torben Ebbesen, Ulrik Heltoft, Yvette Brackman.

Gallery name: Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art

Address: Oslo Plads 1, Copenhagen

Opening hours: Tue, Fri 12:00 - 18:00, Thu 12:00 - 21:00, Sun 10:00 - 21:00

Open: 27.06.2020 - 30.08.2020