NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

In anticipation of the completion of Kunstsilo, and receipt of Nicolai Tangen’s art collection, we have invited nine artists belonging to the region to do a deep dive into the Tangen collection. The artists have been given the opportunity to become better acquainted with the collection which will be an important part of the new museum. Then they have selected works that they exhibit in relation to their own artistic production in the exhibition. They have chosen works by artists they respect, or are inspired by, and not least works of art that they believe create an interesting dialogue with their own work – formally, thematically or conceptually. In the exhibition, each of the invited artists will have their own space to present their ARTIST meeting.

The exhibition will show a wide range of artistic expressions, which highlight and highlight various aspects of a rich collection. The audience gets to experience works that span a wide period of time, drawing lines between generations.

Gallery name: Sørlandets Kunstmuseum

Address: Skippergata 24 B, Kristiansand

Opening hours: Tue, Fri-Sun 11:00 - 17:00, Thu 11:00 - 22:00

Open: 19.05.2020 - 15.11.2020