NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Vartai gallery launches a new series of annual exhibitions dedicated to contemporary design.

The aim of the project, realized in collaboration with Lithuanian and foreign designers, curators, and institutions, is to create a platform for continuous presentation of unique design works in the context of thematic exhibitions.

Alert Objects, the first exhibition in the series, features design projects by nine authors. Many of the participants are alumni of the Design Academy Eindhoven, and their practice shares an approach to making objects as a way to address and influence the broader cultural and social field. The title of the exhibition refers to the logical contradiction evident in our daily life: the things surrounding us are not just inanimate and passive signs of their time and culture, but rather have subjective qualities, impose their order, and shape our self-perception.

This dual nature of objects reveals itself in the exhibition in a number of ways: as a critical response to superfluous production of commodities, inert consumption, and monotony of everyday experience. Although all of the exhibits are furniture items or interior elements with a specific function, they resist passive instrumental usage and demand a performative being-together relationship. They openly manifest their role in the complex field of semantic tensions in which they were created and operate, constantly reminding the user that the aesthetic and functional value of things is inseparable from the ethical motives behind their creation.

Exhibition curators

Vytautas Gečas and Marija Puipaitė


Exhibition artists

Bram Vanderbeke (BE)

Wendy Andreu (FR)

Lucas Muñoz Muñoz (ESP)

Paulius Vitkauskas (LT)

Martynas Kazimierėnas (LT)

Marija Puipaitė (LT)

Vytautas Gečas (LT)

Satomi Minoshima (JP)

Hansol Kim  (KR)

Etienne Marc (FR)



Živilė and Jonas Garbaravičius


Renata and Rolandas Valiūnas

Exhibition supported by


Gallery supported by

“Plieno Spektras”, PI “Meno Fondas”, Vilma Dagilienė, Romas Kinka, “Clear Channel”, “Lietuvos Rytas”, “Ekskomisarų Biuras”

We are grateful to

“Rokiškio Sūris”

Graphic design

Gailė Pranckūnaitė

Gallery name: VARTAI Gallery

Address: Vilniaus g. 39, Vilnius

Opening hours: Tue-Fri 12:00 - 18:00, Sat 12:00 - 16:00

Open: 13.01.2020 - 24.01.2020