NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The exhibition, A Wander in the Archive is a reflection of the exhibition history of Den Frie, which manifests itself in the Archive of Den Frie. Some exhibitions gained a groundbreaking legacy like artist Vilhelm Bjerke Petersen’s Surrealism exhibition in 1935, while others never gained a place in the art history such as Women Artists’ Retrospective Exhibition in 1920. The exhibition history is rich and contradictory.

The Archive of Den Frie consists of archival material related to Denmark’s oldest artist association, Den Frie Udstilling (The Free Exhibition) and Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, which was founded by the artist association. Often, the archival material only offers fragments of information, scattered testimonies in the form of letters, accounts, catalogues and photographs. Coincidences come into play, and the history that materializes in the forgotten and saved papers, pictures, letters etc., is both fragmented and diverse.

This exhibition runs parallel with Den Frie 21 (Exhibitions). Here archive material is also part of the installation and creates fractures between historical material and new artworks by the members of the artist association. These two exhibitions mark the initial work with and display of the Archive of Den Frie.

Gallery name: Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art

Address: Oslo Plads 1, Copenhagen

Opening hours: Tue, Fri 12:00 - 18:00, Thu 12:00 - 21:00, Sun 10:00 - 21:00

Open: 05.03.2021 - 25.04.2021