NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

We have the great pleasure of introducing the Norwegian photographer Cathrine Wessel. She has returned to Oslo after 25 years in New York where she has achieved international success as a Fashion, Travel, Celebrity, & Sports Photographer. Working for major international clients & campaigns

Cathrine Wessel has since 1988 been showing at numerous galleries in New York, both solo and group exhibitions. In 2007 she was invited to participate at the Nordic-Light Photo Festival with a large solo show. We have selected highlights from this exhibition showcasing works captured from 1997 – 2007.

We are presenting Cathrine´s “Stolen Moments” as a seven day event. The collection of images we present were captured while hired on international assignments, but with the purpose of exposing a personal point of view, a stolen truthful moment, only to be exhibited in galleries:


“I believe in a caught moment, a fraction of a second where everything comes together perfectly. I search for the perfect rhythm between emotion and motio.

I am drawn to go deeper, to catch something unexpected, honest and truthful. Something other, something that is not ours, but theirs, I am merely the observer as I search for my perfect stolen moment.”


The show will be a 7 DAY event.


Thursday 11 june 18:00 – 21:00 ( opening)

Friday 12 june 12:00-16:00

Saturday 13 june 12:00-16:00 (artist will be present)

Sunday 14 june 12:00-16:00 (artist will be present) 

Monday 15 june  12:00-16:00

Tuesday 16 june  12:00-16:00

Wednesday 17 june 12:00-16:00

Gallery name: Shoot Gallery

Address: Balders gate 28, Oslo

Opening hours: Wed-Thu 12:00 - 16:00

Open: 11.06.2020 - 17.06.2020