NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The theme of this year’s biennial is the nature of light. In this project, graphics are treated as a spectrum of light, an artist as a prism that emits it, a work of art as an object of light.

Julija Račiūnaitė. Amber pharmacy

The aim of the biennial is to combine traditional and non-traditional graphics with physical and not only physical concepts of light, to supplement the artworks with technologies that emit light.
Using interpretation, try to trace the ambiguity of light in the works on display.

Krzysztof Tomalski. Genesis VII dla astrofizyków

PARTICIPANTS: Albert Pema (France), Alberto Balletti (Italy), Anna Trojanowska (Poland), Audronė Petrašiūnaitė (Lithuania), Bohdan Lokatyr (Ukraine), Eglė Kuckaitė (Lithuania), Eimutis Markūnas (Lithuania), Elena Grudzinskaitė (Lithuania), Eugenijus Nalevaika (Lithuania), Gintautas Vaičys (Lithuania), Gražina Kaščionienė (Lithuania), Hilda Lindström (Sweden), Inga Dargužytė (Lithuania), Jolanta Mikulskytė (Lithuania), Julija Račiūnaitė (Lithuania), Krzysztof Tomalski (Poland), Linas Blažiūnas (Lithuania), Marija Marcelionytė-Paliukė (Lithuania), Matas Dūda (Lithuania), Naglis Baltušnikas (Lithuania), Olesya Dzhurayeva (Ukraine), Ovidiu Petca (Romania), Patricija Gilytė (Lithuania), Raimundas Krukonis (Lithuania), Sebastian Laszczyk (Poland), Sigita Dackevičiūtė (Lithuania), Toma Šlimaitė (Lithuania), Vaiva Kovieraitė-Trumpė (Lithuania), Víctor Manuel Hernández Castillo (Mexico), Victoria Bilogan and Roger Alsop (Australia), Vinicius Libardoni (Poland), Virginijus Malčius (Lithuania), Živilė Minkutė (Lithuania).

Gallery name: A. Žmuidzinavičius Creations and Collections Museum / Devils Museum

Address: V. Putvinskio str. 64, Kaunas

Opening hours: Tue, Fri 11:00 - 17:00, Thu 11:00 - 19:00, Sat-Sun 10:00 - 17:00

Open: 29.04.2021 - 30.05.2021