NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Touch Assessment, 2024

93 x 138.5 cm

Puit, akrüülklaas, koormarihmad The two-sided lightbox “Touch Assessment” is a photo installation at Palamuse Cemetery. The main motif is the massive stone gates, symbolizing a portal between life and death. This cemetery is significant for the artist’s family, with Arming’s grandfather, grandmother, uncle, and aunt buried there. The images depict the artist in front of the gates and his persona, Non Mors, behind them. According to the artist, Non Mors helped normalize the concept of death in his life. The work is part of the series “Reliability Assessment” with the first part of the work being “Sorry, but currently I’m saying my goodbyes to a childhood with a(n) (en)large(d) heart”. The photos were shot at the end of 2023. The lightbox was constructed by Villem Säre, and the photos were printed by Andres Toodo, curated by Kleer Keret Tali, and coordinated by Regina Tagger.

Foto: Martin Buschmann / Photo: Martin Buschmann

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