NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Storm, 2019

97 x 114 cm

oil on linen canvas

From a school girl’s compilation: “The sea, as a theme of water, resembles our life at all. When everything is fine, the sea is calm and we are just flowing through the stream. When nothing happens after the “plan”, the sea starts to wake up and we get harder, we have to overcome the obstacles – waves. Looking at the painting, it seems that the man with his flowers has fallen into the water and is unable to resist, trying to keep the beautiful flowers above the water as if they were something special, important. The main thing – to hold tight, to not let out of hand, do not lose.” Yes, the main thing is to not let out of hand. Whether we or the sea, everything is one, but the main thing is not to let go! Or let go?! This artwork has participated in 2019 International painting competition exhibition “Marina 2019” “Storm”.

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