NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Aapo Pukk

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

Aapo Pukk (born 1962 in Tartu). Pukk has painted a wide range of well-known Estonians active in various fields of culture to politicians. He is a member of Estonian Artists´ Association, Association of Estonian Printmakers, Portrait Society of America – PSOA and Art Society of California.


Self-Portrait Under the Lamp by Aapo Pukk
Self-Portrait Under the Lamp  
95 x 75 cm
Brother Toomas Came to Visit by Aapo Pukk
Brother Toomas Came to Visit  
61 x 64 cm
Aaron Norman Pukk by Aapo Pukk
Aaron Norman Pukk  
118 x 85 cm
Random Encounter: Liilia Kask by Aapo Pukk
Random Encounter: Liilia Kask  
90 x 60 cm
Self-Portrait (150 Years of Song Celebrations) by Aapo Pukk
Self-Portrait (150 Years of Song Celebrations)  
60 x 50 cm
Imat (Ruins of the Cathedral) by Aapo Pukk
Imat (Ruins of the Cathedral)  
60 x 50 cm

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