NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Reflections based on The Song of Songs, 2023

59 x 42 cm

Love is an emotion that, at first glance, is familiar and comprehensible to all, however at its core it is a complicated, sometimes invisible feeling that branches out into many different directions. Because of the complicated nature of love it is one of the most analyzed subjects in both creative and scientific fields. Even the Bible, the most popular book in the world, contains a chapter dedicated to humanly love – “The Song of Songs”. To describe feelings objectively contradicts their personal nature, therefore I did not attempt to illustrate the exact story told in “The Song of Songs” – instead, I decided to draw that which I cannot express in words: my own feelings. My goal in choosing the subject of this project was to come a little bit closer to understanding what love means to me personally, which is why this loosely structured poem appeared to be the perfect point of reference to come up with my own reflections. I expressed my reflections in the form of digital drawings – one for each part of “The Song of Songs”. My main focus while composing these drawings was to express my heartfelt feelings through color, form and symbolism, in the most genuine way possible. Each drawing features two characters – like a person who is experiencing different situations, and like me, who felt different emotions as I pondered about “The Song of Songs”, the characters go through certain changes in each drawing, but in the end they remain the same people. The third crucial character that connects my drawings to the poem is love itself. Everything else – the colors, the compositions, the motifs – came from my own feelings and reflections.