Plexiglass, oil paint, acetone print transfer A part of painting series – Postcards from the blue screen. My master’s final work. Filled with imagery I’ve seen on screens, my imagination often conjures up pictures that I once viewed on a TV screen, or now more commonly on my smartphone. Sometimes I see pictures of far-off lands, and despite never having been there, I feel a sense of closeness and warm nostalgia, as if I had visited them as a child. It raises me doubts about how much I’ve seen in real life versus what was simply shown to me on a screen. I wonder how many of my dreams are digital. Over time, I’ve collected images that I’ve seen many times in movies, advertisements, and TV series. These images have become well-known iconic symbols. Using oil paint and acetone prints, I combine them on semi-transparent plastic to create new scenarios that blend familiar and unfamiliar images. Perhaps, if we watched the same movies, even being 20,000 kilometers apart, we might dream the same dreams. For the artworks I use oil painting and acetone print techniques on semi-matte plexiglass. The paintings are transparent and should be exhibited with a blue background. The size of each individual work is 35 cm x 50 cm.