LED light bulb, magnifying glass, vitamin D capsule, A4 print Vitamin D capsule, illuminated by a LED light bulb, replicates human relationship with the sun.
By passing through the magnifying glass its artificial light is being transformed into a “sunbeam” that illuminates a picture of a forest. According to scientists, pictures of nature can evoke positive emotions in people, just like sunshine and vitamins. In 1914 Mercel Duchamp bought a cheap reproduction of winter landscape by an unknown artist. Then he added two drops of colour (green and red) creating a readymade . This became Duchamp’s artistic property under the title “Pharmacie. Marcel Duchamp/ 1914″. “Pharmacie” is now being re-created again and supplemented with a ray of artificial sunlight. The title “Pharmacie M.D. 2038” refers to Marcel Duchamp’s copyright expiring in year 2038.