NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Lost & Found, 2023

1 x 1 cm

Fabric scraps, yarn, plastik.

The collection “Lost & Found” is based on a story of a made up character Lilith who struggles with a strange obsession with items. She hoards rooms full of seemingly useless matter resulting in her having lost all sense of reality. Lilith finally gets bored of sitting in the middle of her mountains of belongings – plastic cutlery, stained bed sheets and rows of garbage. She starts cutting, ripping, burning and partially destroying the matter which then grows into a meditative process of creation to construct something that brings her joy. The story of Lilith draws our attention to the disruptive effects of modern day consumerism and urges us to ponder the ways in which one can harness the ugliness and monstrosity to create beauty. This approach to creation stems from the idea of repurposing discarded leftover materials in a new sustainable way. I create wearables intuitively, finding solutions through practice to discover unexpected results that create unique and raw combinations.  This collection includes garments and accessories made from old memorabilia I have collected over the years and find hard to let go of. Some of the examples include a pillowy bag made from an old childhood blanket I used to sleep in, a variety of jewellery: rings, earrings and bracelets made from melted plastic cutlery, cups and plates. Clothing items made from scrap fabrics, old coats and a skirt made from a synthetic leather that used to be the covering of my home door. All of these garments resemble and carry a certain artificial comfort and warmth in themselves. For example a bag that can be used practically and also as a neck pillow to rest your head onto. A set of neck and arm cuffs, that protect the most vulnerable parts of your body with soft fur lining.