NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Layer 20-4, 2020

120 x 70 cm

Recycled makeup on pvh panel Paintings from the “Layer” series are made with recycled makeup products, it’s an experimental and less waste-producing way of painting. Use of decorative cosmetics is so common in our society it’s barely noticed, no one seems to be realising how odd it is to have people in our lives who we have never seen without makeup. The colours, tools, techniques used by makeup users create an original visual aesthetic that impacts the perception of the human form. I try to separate this layer and present it flat as an image without the context of a 3D face it used to be on. Exhibited at the cultural space “Točka”, Riga (21.08.2020 – 18.10.2020).

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Layer 01 by Linda Lagzdina
Layer 01  
26 x 39 cm
Layer 04 by Linda Lagzdina
Layer 04  
26 x 39 cm
Layer 20-1 by Linda Lagzdina
Layer 20-1  
120 x 70 cm
Layer 20-2 by Linda Lagzdina
Layer 20-2  
120 x 70 cm