NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform


25 x 25 cm

Wooden frame, printing on fabric

The idea of ​​the work is conveyed through a chandelier. A chandelier as an artistic object is made up of two components. The first is stylized plots, characters invented by children, and the second is an interactive text written in three languages ​​based on an open-ended children’s survey and the answers it received. Created characters are friends who encourage the child to unfold and accept him as he is – unique. With Princess Star, a child could be themselves and not be afraid to communicate, joke, experiment, not be afraid to make mistakes and look exceptional. In my opinion, in the modern world, individuality is definitely important. Pedagogy should focus on the education of the child as an individual. The child should not be afraid to be himself and show his exceptional qualities. We are all different, like children-drawn characters who motivate us to fantasize, dream, love and make friends. The game “I am different” is an interactive light installation where each child can independently inspect and activate the objects of an artistic-educational project by touch or sound.