NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Rein Raamat

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

Rein Raamat (born 1931) is an Estonian animation film director, artist and screenwriter. He is the first internationally successful Estonian animator and along with Elbert Tuganov is regarded as the “Father of Estonian Animation”. He has directed many short animated films since the early 1970s and also produced over 20 documentary films. As a painter, he has mainly used pastels and sensitive colouring as a medium for creating psychological portraits of friends, family and the world of film and culture.

Sources used: Estonian Film Database


Modligliani Margarita by Rein Raamat
Modligliani Margarita  
160 x 100 cm
Cross of a marriage  by Rein Raamat
Cross of a marriage  
120 x 80 cm
Võrsub uus põlvkond by Rein Raamat
Võrsub uus põlvkond  
80 x 60 cm
Leda - 2021 akrüül, lõuend  70 x100 cm by Rein Raamat
Leda - 2021 akrüül, lõuend 70 x100 cm  
70 x 100 cm

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