NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Rasuole Jautakyte

Artist's country of origin: Lithuania

2017-2018 Latvian Academy of arts metal design program as exchange student 2019 arts bachelor in Vilnius academy of arts in jewellery and metal art Since 2019 studying master in Vilnius academy of arts in textile art and design Exhibitions: 2018 student group exhibition in gallery ”ARgenTum”, Vilnius, Lithuania ”Mokume gane” 2019 student group exhibition of metal art in museum of Rokiskis. 2018 group medal and small sculpture exhibition in Alka museum, Telšiai ”Lietuvos kelias 100 metų”. 2018 group exhibition of students and professors of Vilnius academy of art Telsiai faculty in J. Liaudanskas gallery in Kelme, Lithuania. 2019 group exhibition in Telsiai gallery ”Perziuros nr. 2 Tai buvo menas” 2019 group medal and small sculpture exhibition in Telsiai gallery ,,Zemaitija. Lietuva. Pasaulis‘‘


Objects for body. Simulation of mental disorders. Paranoia by Rasuole Jautakyte
Objects for body. Simulation of mental disorders. Paranoia  
70 x 90 cm
Objects for body. Simulation of mental disorders. Schizophrenia by Rasuole Jautakyte
Objects for body. Simulation of mental disorders. Schizophrenia  
70 x 70 cm


Objects for body. Simulation of mental disorders by Rasuole Jautakyte
Objects for body. Simulation of mental disorders  
100 x 1000 cm
Objects for body. Simulation of mental disorders. Claustrophobia by Rasuole Jautakyte
Objects for body. Simulation of mental disorders. Claustrophobia  
100 x 80 cm

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