NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Onni Alanko Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Finland

Onni Alanko (b.1992) works and lives in Helsinki, Finland. He is finishing his BFA degree in 2022 and starting his MFA studies at the beginning of 2023 in the University of Fine Arts Helsinki. He works mostly with oil painting and drawing. Alanko’s paintings are inspired by the cityscape and its architectural forms and structures. The paintings portray the formation, dissolution and transformation of the space. His paintings tries to activate the viewer and ask how the viewer positions themselves when looking at the paintings.


Spatial Surface by Onni Alanko
Spatial Surface  
150 x 130 cm
Folding by Onni Alanko
150 x 130 cm
Chat with Emptiness by Onni Alanko
Chat with Emptiness  
150 x 130 cm

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