NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Laura Dzerve

Laura Dzerve

Artist's country of origin: Latvia

My master's studies have developed my style. I describe myself as an artist with craftswomen's hands, working with a diverse array of materials, including fabric, metal, meat, and more, depending on the conceptual direction of each project. Various textile techniques are utilized, seamlessly integrating them with other mediums and materials to create unique and thought-provoking pieces. My work embodies a deep understanding of traditional textile methods while pushing boundaries through innovative combinations and explorations.

In my practice, I address various entrenched social problems. My works frequently draw from my background, including the challenges encountered growing up with an alcoholic father and my experience in the National Guard.

I regularly participate in local exhibitions. Last year, a noteworthy exhibition was "Crowning" at the National History Museum of Latvia, where my bullet shield crown received significant attention. That same year, I also showcased the crown at the Salone del Mobile International Design Fair in Milan, Italy.


Svinot dzimu, svinot miru by Laura Dzerve
Svinot dzimu, svinot miru  
200 x 350 cm

Mixed media

CARRIER/Is this crown worth it? by Laura Dzerve
CARRIER/Is this crown worth it?  
1 x 20 cm

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