NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Kristine Rublovska Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Latvia

Kristine Rublovska (b. 1986) graduated in 2017 from Art Academy of Latvia in textile department with Bachelor’s degree. Her graduation work whole formed by two three-dimensional objects. It is created with felting and a mixed technique. Sizes of the objects are 140x200x130 centimeters and 115x70x60 centimetres.

“Oblivion” tells a story about aged household items, namely a watering can and a toy car from the author’s childhood, that have lost their functionality. These objects are transformed by applying layers of plastic wool and textile created from other materials. The idea is based on a saying “Nature does not love emptiness”.
Objects transform in a different form and appearance.
The technical goal and challenge of this thesis is to harmoniously combine metal objects with textile and wool.


Oblivion by Kristine Rublovska
Oblivion, 2017  
115 x 70 cm

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