NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Karina Dvožeckytė Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Lithuania

My work spans painting and site-specific instalations. Creative exploration is deeply rooted in etnography, nature, poetry and cultural heritage. I discover through plein air painting, drawing, photography, traveling, hiking and cycling. By invoking a theory of psychogeography and poetics of space I seek to define the concept of home by contemplating place and experiencing a sense of sameness and particular states of mind in specific, remote locations. I use ash and soot material as symbol for metamorphosis and ever changin cycle of life. This material embodied in my paintings create a deeper connection between life and death, past and present. I have participated in 5 plein airs, given as an opportunities by VAA (Nida Art Colony, Panemunė Castle, Mizarai). Traveled with art theorists to North Poland as academic practice. As well I have participated in Magyarkut Art residency in 2023 and have been accepted second time, for this year. My first solo exhibition “Pagauti Jausmą” (en. “To catch a feeling”) was held in VAA gallery “Tapybos koridorius” in March and second “Esu erdvė kurioje esu” (en. “I am the space in which I am”) in June in “Baltasis Koridorius” with the graduation show. I defended my bachelors with the highest mark and a note for poetic artwork and form symbiosis.


But there are no boundaries inside/Bet viduje ribų nėra by Karina Dvožeckytė
But there are no boundaries inside/Bet viduje ribų nėra, 2024  
130 x 170 cm
Bull's Foot/Jaučio pėda by Karina Dvožeckytė
Bull's Foot/Jaučio pėda, 2024  
208 x 250 cm

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