NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Julia Aven Emerging artist

Julia Aven

Artist's country of origin: Finland

Johanna Julia Sirkun tytär Aven:

I have studied Visual Arts at Lahti Academy of Liberal and Fine Arts in 2018-2019. After that I have been studying Visual Arts at Turku University of Applied Sciences during the years 2020-2024. My main subject in my studies has been painting and abstract art. My latest work “3/3” is exhibited at the Art house, fine arts graduation show called Nytt2024, 04/2024. My most recent solo exhibition “La flor” was displayed in the Biblioteca Municipal Isabel de Villena, Valencia, 9.5- 14.5.2023. In 2023 my works were exhibited in two group exhibitions located in Facultat de Belles Arts, Universitat Politécnica de Valencia: DNI, Espai Vitrina, 04/2023 and KT4, Espai multidisciplinar T4, 03/2023. My two paintings are in collections of the Fundación BRITO in Valencia and Artistaille art residency in Hungary.


3/3 by Julia Aven
150 x 180 cm

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