NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Josefina Anjou Emerging artist

Josefina Anjou

Artist's country of origin: Sweden

Josefinas Anjou (@josefinamjao ) is foremost a painter whose work, which sometimes extends the limits of the canvas into its surrounding architecture, varies in their methods of paint appliance more so than in their motifs. Anjou graduated with a BFA from Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, in 2019 and from her MFA at Konstfack, Stockholm, 2024.


00:05 by Josefina Anjou
85 x 230 cm
Under surfers by Josefina Anjou
Under surfers  
100 x 245 cm
Dee on Intel Ledge-abled frooth by Josefina Anjou
Dee on Intel Ledge-abled frooth  
85 x 230 cm

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