NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Jaakko Uljas Emerging artist

Jaakko Uljas

Artist's country of origin: Finland

Jaakko Uljas (b. 1999) is an artist from Helsinki, currently studying in the painting department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki. His practice explores the formation of identity in the crossfire of different worldviews, mixing visual elements from internet culture, Christian mythology, personal history, and the history of painting. His works often feature human figures and horses in ambiguous spaces where the sacred and profane, the private and public, can intertwine.


Looks like a great weekend by Jaakko Uljas
Looks like a great weekend  
170 x 145 cm
This isn't love by Jaakko Uljas
This isn't love  
170 x 145 cm
Nice piss take at 5:40 by Jaakko Uljas
Nice piss take at 5:40  
30 x 26 cm

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