Eldar Jakubov Emerging artist
Artist's country of origin: Estonia
Eldar Jakubov (born 1987 in Tallinn) is a young artist who graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts with a Master´s degree in installation and sculpture in 2015. He introduces his approach to art as follows: “The most interesting concepts regarding decoding an art piece involve the language that the artist uses. The large diversity between points of view regarding the artwork are strongly connected with artistic style and persona. Storytelling within an art piece allows for interpretation of the story from an individual perspective, making way for personalised meaning-making. It is encompassed by one broader story that the participant takes part in. With transmedia storytelling, the participant is able to fully immerse themselves in the narrative on several different levels. The special feature of three-dimensional art is its ability to bring a poetical story to life in different places, in a non-linear fashion by allowing us to immerse ourselves into a non-mnemonic communication process.“