NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

David Danell Emerging artist

David Danell

Artist's country of origin: Sweden

My artistic practice is an exploration of myself in relation to my interests, which often revolve around mythology, heritage and identity. It allows me to be in a constant state of investigation, development and a reconsidering of my own thoughts and ideas. My main way of working is with video, a practice that has allowed me to do different collaborations and has given me opportunities to discover new places. It is important to me that a part of my practice involve other people and for me to travel to film and do research. In contrast to that, I also appreciate periods of solitary work, for example during post-production, where I can completely disappear into my own thoughts. I have a background in music, which is very helpful when editing video, as editing is very much about rhythm and timing. For me, sound is a way to expand or to concentrate an image. It connects seeing and hearing, seeing what you hear and hearing what you see. The sound becomes a landscape, a rhythm and a narrative. It is also an important aspect on how to install the work, since the sound interacts with the room, the installation of my work makes every exhibition a new challenge and a way to connect with the space, its history and the context of which it relates to.


Words, My Words by David Danell
Words, My Words  
100 x 100 cm
Vanishing Point by David Danell
Vanishing Point  
100 x 100 cm
Sonance by David Danell
100 x 100 cm

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