NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Baiba Tropa Emerging artist

Baiba Tropa

Artist's country of origin: Latvia

Baiba Tropa is finishing her Masters studies in Graphics at Art Academy of Latvia. In study period she learned printmaking techniques, practised illustration, but working with her diploma work she understood that monochrome pencil drawing is closest to her point of view at this time. In her Erasmus studies in Caen, France she started to make small edition of books with her illustrations and sometimes adding some texts, that’s why she chose to make a small book in her diploma work as well. She has taken a part in exhibitions with her illustration course: “Māja”, “Jaunvārdi”, “Satori.Ilustrēts”, “RIBOCASS” and others.


Reverie root gardens by Baiba Tropa
Reverie root gardens  
13 x 16 cm


Reverie root gardens by Baiba Tropa
Reverie root gardens  
1000 x 100 cm
Reverie root gardens by Baiba Tropa
Reverie root gardens  
16 x 13 cm

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