NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Antti Kytömäki Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Finland

Antti Kytömäki  (born 1979) is an emerging artist from Finland.

He has had two private exhibitions in Finland, first as part of Tampere Biennale – a sound art festival – and in Kallio Kunsthalle in Helsinki. 

In his artistic practice he moves between kinetic sculptures, light installations and sound art. He often uses the exhibition space as an element of his artworks. He enjoys clear and minimal visual aesthetics, thus leaving room for the viewer to fill the works with their own meaning. The technical and mechanical realization of his sculptures and installations is often complex, giving the viewer a sense of wonderment about the processes they are observing.


Sculptor by Antti Kytömäki
100 x 100 cm

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